
重曹/Baking Soda



 それを見た夫が、やかんもやって欲しいと申し出てきました。あれ? 昨日の夜、メラミンスポンジで焦付きを取ると言ってませんでしたっけ? 聞くと、やはりうまく焦付きが取れなかったそう。最初からやればいいのにねー。と思いながら、いま、やかんをぐつぐつ煮ているところです。半分くらいはするっと焦げが取れました。あともう少し煮てみます。重曹万歳!

When I grilled meat the other day, there was some charred stuff of ginger and garlic on the iron pan and it didn't come off after soaked in the hot water for a while. 

I put baking soda in water and boiled it for a while in the pan, then left it for a few hours. I effortlessly could clean the pot afterward! I use baking soda for chars and tea stains. It worked so well this time when I had such persistent chars.

My husband seeing it asked me to clean the kettle. I thought he said he'd cleaning the kettle with a melamine sponge. When asked, he said he couldn't make the chars come off. He should've tried baking soda without doubting. So I am boiling the kettle right now. Half the chars came off really easily. I need to boil it longer. Baking soda is great!