お話を伺うと、産後を機に太りだした、つまみ食いがやめられない、着られる服ではなく好きな服が着たい、これで最後のダイエットにしたい。そういう声をいただきました。いいですね! 大丈夫、叶えられます。わたしも通った道なので、大丈夫ですよ、変われますよ、という気持ちを持ちました。
I had a class for the new students. They are friends. Three of them signed up the same time.
Hearing them, they started to be overweight after having a baby, cannot sop having a nibble of snacks, want to wear they want to wear instead of what they can wear, and think this to be the last diet. Great, it will be fine. They will all come true. I have been there so I really think it will be fine and they can change.
As I wrote the other day, today's students were introduced by my current student having taken my classes since August. She lost 10kg (22lbs) in two months and that convinced them. I appreciate her and understand it's convincing since she is losing weight as staying beautiful.
It will be my challenge for me to figure out a best way to walk with each of them.