ゴミや髪の毛、虫が入っているという話も聞いていましたが、我が家のには特に何も入っていませんでした。 布マスクは、すでに3、4月中にいくつか購入したのですぐに使うことはないでしょう。寄付といっても、今小さめ布マスクを欲しい方々はいらっしゃるでしょうか?
Masks arrived. From the government. How it was sent was coming in with no address, name or envelope. The plastic bag wrapped two masks just arrived in our mailbox.
I heard some experienced spotting bugs, hair, or litter inside. But ours look fine.
I already purchased several fabric masks in March and April so won't need to use them immediately. I wonder if there are any organizations still wanting rather small fabric masks.