おすすめ靴下/Recommended Socks


 靴下屋さんのTabioシリーズ、五本指のレーシングランソックスが一番いいです! 程よい締め付けがサポートを感じます。少し高価ですが、しっかりした作りなので、ゆるい靴下よりも長持ちすると思います。



I have a big toe bunion on my left foot and it's been six months or so since it started hurting. I have tried a few different socks since the pain became serious. Here is my conclusion:

I strongly recommend the five-toe Racing Run Socks Kutsushitaya sells. They have adequate support to suppress your feet and are a bit pricy but they will last longer than thin, loose socks that are cheaper.

I have tried loose five-toe socks but Tabio socks work well for the bunion. Since my leg shape has changed, the pain has been less. I still feel sharp pains time to time, but it's not as frequent at all.

If you suffer from pains due to bunions, you might want to try Tabio socks!