
怠け者/Lazy Me





When talking about a lazy person, I would be the first one to name. Some say I lost weight as wished, and have not gained back, and work out without quitting and they cannot do it. But no, I am quite a lazy person. I was watching dramas all day long last weekend for example.

However I try to do what I think works out. Diet and training, for instance.

Frustration I couldn't accept how I looked when I was overweight disappeared as I lost weight through diet and the fact I do not feel pains as much any more as I have worked out with TrigerPoint goods. The pains when I press my body or the bunion and back cause. Because it's effective, I can continue something that is painful.

There is another thing I noticed. It brings you confidence if you continue to work on something. If you have kept on doing something you kind of find it painful and troubling even part of you finds it enjoyable, the fact that you have achieved something makes you strong. And it's actually great!