
現場終了/ Filming Ended




 THRIVEでは、こういう思考を持つことを重視してクラスを進めていきます。一見ダイエットと関係あるの? ということを行うのですが、それが本当に関係あるんです。そして、その思考があればリバウンドしないと思います。

An urgent filming project ended. We really didn't have much time but I managed to go to the gym twice out of three and went to the park for walking.

Of course, it wasn't the same as I would normally do. I was only able to go to the gym once during weekdays and I didn't have time to walk to the park so cycled, parked it, and walked in the park since I had a short time for that. That was a compromise I had to make given the amount of work and deadline.

Still I had much higher quality time than I would've just stayed home excusing that I was busy. I had a fresh mind and that enabled me to concentrate on work. 

In THRIVE classes, I emphasize to have this kind of way to think. It might look unrelated to weight control but it does relate. And with this kind of mindset, rebound won't come.