
体改革4/ Body Revolution4: Comparison Bet 2020 And 2021




 まだまだ自分の中では変化させたい部分はあるので、トレーニングを続けていきます。Keiko先生からも、卒業しないの? と訊かれましたが、しませんと即答しました! なぜなら、体の使い方がまだ全然自分の中で腑に落ちないからです。正しく歩くというのは? 体のコアを使うというのはどういう感覚なのか? まだわからないことだらけ。


The picture is a comparison between July 30, 2020 (left) and August 8, 2021 (right). You can see the level of my buttocks is higher and my calves look more straight.

The picture right is 3 kilograms lighter than the left. I reduced the weight I gained during the early pandemic time.

What's most obvious is my buttocks. I think the change has a lot to do with my understanding in the position of sacrum. I have worked hard on repositioning the shoulder blades that used to be buried and stretching the outside of the calves that tend to be hard as I have a tension there. 

There are a lot more parts of my body I want to change so I won't stop taking lessons from Keiko sensei, even though she asked me if I wasn't ready to finish. I immediately said no! I still don't know much about how to use my body. How can I walk properly? What is the sense to use the core of your body? 

My journey goes on.