When we say myofascial release, especially in Japan, it's about getting on a foam roller and press your body hard. For me, it was how I knew about the words. Since then, my journey had developed through meeting my trainer and knowing about more bodywork methods. When I had a rolfing session the other day, I believe now myofascial release is not about pressing hard.
As introduced Dr. Ida Rolf Institute's site, rolfing is "a form of bodywork that recognizes the connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate the entire body." During the session, my rolfer pressed my body mild and long to get the water in the tissues back.
There are so many types of bodywork methods. My rolfer told me about Esalen massage and body work. I hear a lot about osteopathy. There are many, but the origin seems to come from the oriental medicine like acupuncture that they added logics and scientific basis to it, developed in different bodywork forms.