でも、そこは立ち止まって考えて欲しいと思います。その苛立ちから甘いものを一気食いしたとして、食べている間は美味しい、幸せ! と思ったとしても、そのあと後悔はしていないですか? 本当は、甘くて美味しいものは、楽しくおしゃべりしながら、またはゆっくりと味わいながら食べたほうがもっと美味しく感じませんか? そして、後悔するのならば、それは本当に自分を「甘やかしている」という行動なのでしょうか? もしかすると、一時の快楽を選択することにより、自分をいじめているということになりませんか?
Hi, this is Yu at THRIVE, dieting classroom in Nippori.
In a session yesterday, there was someone saying there are times to want to eat something sweet when stressed out from work because she's very frustrated and wants to spoil herself.
I know that feeling. When stressed out, it's easy to eat unreasonably.
I want you to stop and think, however. If you rush to eat sweets and even though it makes you happy for a brief moment because it sure is sweet and good, doesn't it actually make you frustrated even more? Don't you regret? Don't you want to eat sweets when you chat with someone, or take time to taste well? And if you think you shouldn't have eaten sweets when stressed out, do you think you are really spoiling yourself? Maybe you choose to bully yourself by wrongfully thinking to spoil you because that pleasure feels like as if it makes you happy for a moment.
You see things differently if you see them from another aspect, don't you? I am so looking forward to sharing these things with everyone!