今回の撮影は、キャノンシンガポール主催の写真コンテスト「Canon PhotoMarathon 2018 XVI」のドキュメンタリー(記録用)。アジア各国から勝ち抜いた参加者が、優勝を賭けて写真を撮っていき、その過程でプロの写真家であるAki Gotoさんにアドバイスをもらえるという、写真を撮る人ならば垂涎ものの企画です。プロに批評してもらったり、アドバイスをもらえるなんて、どんな職業でも滅多にあることではないし、参加者の皆さんはありがたいと思っていることでしょう。Akiさんは、思いやりや配慮に満ちた方で、わたしが写真が上手かったらどんなにかアドバイスをもらいたかっただろう、と思います。
Our first filming was done at a fish market in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi. I've done filming at Tsukiji but it's my first time filming in another city. Since it's Shimonoseki where is known for blowfish, we got a chance to film a blowfish auction.
This filming is to document for the photo contest organized by Canon Singapore called "Canon PhotoMarathon 2018 XVI."
We have contestants from different Asian countries and they are going to shoot photos to compete for the prizes. They also get to be taught by a professional photographer Aki Goto, which is quite envying for any photographers. It doesn't often happen you get critiques or advice from a professional in any field so the contestants should be grateful. Aki is very caring and thoughtful. I would eagerly want his advice if I had better photography skills.
We have a rest for a few hours then head to another city. Busy day!