昨日、ジムのスタジオレッスン終了後、他の参加者の方に、水筒には何が入っているのか訊かれました。わたしは、単なるお水を飲んでいます。ただ自分用の大きなボトル(1L)なので、何かな? と思われたんでしょうね。
After a studio lesson at my fitness club, I was asked what I had in my water bottle. I simply drink water. My water is big (1000cc), so they wondered what it was.
I told them I usually drink the whole bottle in one lesson, which surprised them.
As we talked, I mentioned I had lost more than 10 kgs on a diet, which surprised them again. They said I must have a strong will, but I think because I had a weak will, I became so big. But I happened to have my coach to train my way of thinking, who would walk along with me and the days I constantly asked myself what "treating you well" changed me to how I am now. Because I needed to be on a diet, I had the encounter. It was meant to be this way as I look it back.