お正月、実家に帰ったのですが、両親にはいまダイエット中なので決められたものしか食べれないということを伝えました。食べられるものが限定的なので、滞在中、父のクリニックで血液検査をしなさいと連れて行かれましたね。笑 自分では口内炎もできないしお通じもいいので杞憂だろうと思いましたが、どうせなら数値でしっかりと見てみたいとも思い、素直に血液検査を受けました。
When I went to visit my parents for the New Year's, I told them I could only eat limited things due to my diet. They took me to my father's clinic. I told them I didn't have a mouth ulcer and my bowel movement was fine so they shouldn't be worried, but I was also curious to see how figures would come out too, so I had a blood test.
On January 12th, my weight I scaled in the new Group Class was 110 lbs. It was just a bit under 50 kg and I hadn't been under 50 since I was pregnant with the first child. I was so glad that I handled the season very well where people gain weight (rice cakes, staying home, eating late...) and that gave me another piece of confidence.
I think anyone can lose weight if you can hold an idea to stick to the method. You have to let your stereotypical ideas go while you are on a diet. All I did was trying to follow what I was supposed to eat and constantly asked myself, then shared the experience with the teacher and other students. I then would be influenced by them and reflect in my acts.
High protein and low calorie food is very popular. Basically you lose weight if you take less calories than your basal metabolism. It doesn't mean your appearance is still great after losing weight or you can lose weight effectively, though.
My blood testing result was great, by the way.