A very close friend of mine has a due date in a few months. I am so looking forward to meeting the baby too.
She contacted me today saying her contract will end soon. She is a freelancer for a foreign media outlet and her company has decided to end the contract because she would have needed to take a leave and they didn't want that.
If you work in the mass media, you cannot work from 5 to 9 and have to change the way of working. But I am just desperately sad that we have to face a situation like that just because we want to give birth. Doesn't it sound like having a child is an obstacle for your life? I have been freelance and have experienced that I lost a job when a show didn't have as much budget, for example. Conventional media have shrunk since Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and the new web media appeared because they don't earn much from advertisement at all. I feel it cannot be helped in that case, but having your career shuttered by having a child leads to decline childbirth as it has been happening.
The news made me really sad.
But my friend will find her own way to raise her child AND work in a way she can make it work. I am going to be there for her.