It's been a while since we could choose an electricity retailer from different entities in Japan. We finally decided to look into it. We use some electricity in winter but not in summer since we hate air-conditioners. So it's a part of the reason our electricity fee wouldn't change much at all and we didn't see so much necessity to changer a power provider, but we finally told ourselves to see what sort of aspiration or company philosophy they have.
As a result of our research, we decided to use looop denki. It's a company founded after the great earthquake in 2011 and they don't charge "basic fee." The conventional fee TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power) has one, two and three phases of charging system and it's really complicated. I like it when it's simple.
I also like they implement solar power plants and use sustainable energy. The last trigger to decide on them was this interview with the founder of looop denki, Soichiro Nakamura, on greenz.jp. The company philosophy played a big role for me to decide.
I couldn't help thinking to ask him to come to THRIVE, though, from the picture of himself... What he does is very meaningful so I hope he ages healthily. Sorry to be nosy!