I was talking about how I started to run a diet classroom to someone. As talking, I again realized that it started as a diet because I had been much bigger for a long time after becoming a mother, but I soon realized this diet was the same as coaching about how you want to live the rest of your life and found it so interesting and wanted to share this emotion with others.
Life expectancy is 80 years. Or In the book called "The 100-Year Life" it says longevity is nowadays even 100 years. On the other hand, we are stepping into an unprecedented longevity era and we are sort of watching how the elderly keep a quality of life.
I notice and am surprised by elderly people walking quite differently when I spot them on the street from their way of walking or posture. If you see one who needs a cart that aids the person to talk, it's usually women. Since they don't have much abdominal muscles, they cannot stand straight. There are some people whose back are completely bent. I see men with bad legs too.
Those are contributed to a decrease of muscles. I like to read Dr. Naokata Ishii's books, proponent of Slow Training and in his book "Kinniku Kakumei (Muscle Revolution)," he describes 'We start losing leg and loin muscles by 0.5% to 1% every year in our 30s. (snip) Around by the age 70, comparing to our 20s, our muscles are about two-thirds. Thighs, buttocks, abs, back, in other words, leg and loin muscles are important for us to spend a healthy daily life, but those leg and loin muscles can be affected most by aging and by the time when we are in our 70s, they decrease to about half.'
If you don't do anything against it, you lose muscles. It happens to everyone. When I started to be on a diet, I didn't think how I'd be living when I'm old because I felt it'd be so far ahead. But this diet had the same meaning as how to change a way of living. I constantly asked myself what kind of person I would want to be, and in my case, I was able to have concrete images of me to have this and that kind of life when I'm old. To have that life as I imagine, I need muscles to run around. To have it in a few decades, I know what I should do.
No one wants to spend a life in bed even we have a longer life expectancy.
When you want to change, it's the best timing for you.