その方法で RM×3セット/種目を行うと、筋肥大効果、交感神経活性化の程度、トレーニング後の脂質代謝の増加など、現在の方法より効果的になると思います」
少し専門的なのですが、RMとはrepetition maximumの略で「最大反復回数」になります。上記では、現在わたしが筋トレマシンで行っている合計30回の反復行為をスロトレの要領で行うと8〜10回程度になるということですね。それを種目ごとに3セット行うと、今の方法よりも効果的になると思う、というご回答でした。
I introduced professor Naokata Ishii's book, who came up with a way of strength training called Slow Training. You can efficiently do strength training, and do it at home so it's highly recommended.
Since I go to the gym, I use the machines there. I didn't follow the Slow Training when using the machines, but one day I started to wonder what if I make my moves very slowly on a machine.
In the Slow Training, your motions are quite slow when you do the squats, pushups, etc.. Since it's slow, I couldn't have as many number of repetitions as usual that day, but still felt quite dull because I used my muscles.
I was going to verify if I'd get a good result by doing that way for a while, but since I am a fixer for productions, I am so used to asking people because I need to inquire people for me to decide who we should interview. So I contacted Professor Ishii. Very happily, he wrote me back soon! And he also said I could have what he says in my blog so here is his answer:
"The weights you use (up to 30 RM meaning you can no longer keep it after 30 times) would probably allow you to lift eight to ten times if you follow the Slow Training method properly with a proper speed.
With that RM by three sets per type of lift, it helps increase muscle hypertoropy effect, activation of sympathetic nervous system, lipid metabolism after training comparing to the conventional method you take."
It may sound a bit technical but RM stands for repetition maximum so it means that's the maximum number of repetition that I can take and if I lift a weight for 30 times now, logically I can only lift that weight eight to ten times in the Slow Training Method. If I do three sets of a type, he thinks it's more effective than now.
The Slow Training Method requires three sets so I will try this method for a while. I really would like to have some more muscles so it'd be great if I could efficiently do it.
Thank you so much for your warm reply, Professor Ishii!