
素直さ/Open Up Your Heart



 でも、断言します。痩せるのに、魔法はありません! 笑。誰だって摂取カロリーが消費カロリーを上回ると、太ります。ただし、太りにくい体づくりはできます。それに加え、リバウンドしないための痩せ脳作り。それが、THRIVEが提供するダイエット教室です。



Who tend to be successful on weight loss? The answer is those who open up their heart. That's true. Why do you go to a diet classroom? Because you haven't succeeded on your own, in the way you conducted weight loss, or you may have gained weight again. If you stick to the way you think it works or once tried and succeeded that time but somehow hasn't worked out so far, then you are not opening up your heart to the way I suggest for weight loss.

There are people who are skeptical whether they can really lose weight, or hope to lose weight without changing at all the way they eat.


I affirm you. There is no silver bullet to lose weight! Anyone gains weight when calorie intake surpasses burned calories. But you can make your body harder to be fat. In addition to building a body to burn calories more easily, you can build a slim brain not to regain weight. That's what THRIVE offers.

This Friday is the last lesson for this term. Everyone tried hard last week that I was moved. One of them said she'd try her best because it'd be the last week and she doesn't want to regret. Her weight loss curbing was quite slow in the beginning because it took her some time to understand what she was aiming at, but as she had better understanding, she opened up her heart to this method.

It works when you open up yourself to what you are told you are supposed to do in order to lose weight. It will bring you a result, I bet!