New term started. We had the second class yesterday. It's an interesting process to hear and find out what kind of behavioral pattern and tendency each has. As getting to know that, we think how we can approach to make choices to lose weight now, then even after that, not to gain weight again. It's a phase that the new term just started, so my students have a rather firm image of themselves which can be changeable. It's like a nutshell. It's hard to break.
Why don't you do this?
How about doing this if you think your behavioral pattern is not good for you?
There are times they would say "No, I can never do that!" when suggested.
But it's just an imagination or a wrong impression about yourself that you have unfortunately built for years sometimes to make you what you are now. It's a spell you put on yourself that you are such a person who would never do that. They are here at THRIVE to break the spell or the nutshell that causes you to gain weight.
How can I break it... I'm very fascinated to think about that.
And the students seem to willingly accept new things, so I am sure they will change. What's important is not only losing weight but also having yourself able to make decisions that won't make you gain weight again after your diet or weight loss was successful.