今日ご紹介するのは、わたしが大好きな七味、京都・祇園 原了郭の黒七味です。これは、黒いので、わたしはローストをしているのではないかと思っているのですが、とにかく香りがとても良く、京都に帰ると毎回購入する品です。
The product I introduce today is my favorite shichimi (Japanese Seven Spice) by Hararyokaku in Gion, Kyoto. This shichimi is black so I assume they roast it. It smells so good. I purchase them every time I go back to Kyoto.
This goes well with lightly salted (amakuchi-- sweet) miso soup besides natto (fermented soy beans), hiyayakko (cold tofu) or chicken dish.
The store is in Gion, Kyoto, but they have little booths in Kyoto station or inside Isetan Department Store at the station. I have seen the product in Tokyo too, maybe in Mitsukoshi.
I love extra hot flavor too, so I use something else when I need real hot taste. I will introduce it tomorrow.