





One of the characteristics of THRIVE dieting is taking much water. Of course I take this method because the Mia Method, my coach's method, encourages people to drink lots of water.

It's been more than 1.5 years since I started to drink a lot of water. Recently I realized that my dried heels are much better now. 

I was wondering this winter why my heels were not as dried as usual. I thought it might have been because I lost weight or worked out regularly because those were the things that I didn't do in the previous years. I was thinking of that for a few months. Then I suddenly realized that my heels may not be as dried because I drunk a lot more water than I used to drink.

I drink so much water. Everyone of us, SlimClub masters, should drink much water because we know how good it is for us. I am lazy so even though I know I have cracked heels but it's so hard to put creme every night, but this winter my heels somehow weren't as bad at all that  I could almost get away with putting creme on my heels. I think water contributes a lot.