Goals should keep changing. That's what I think.
I always have my students set goals at THRIVE.
Personally when I started being on a diet, my initial goal was to wear the suit that I had been never able to wear at the daycare graduation day for my child. That was the only goal I could think to set.
Eventually my goal changed to "to have a body I can run at age 80." My goal turned from something that I see right away into a longer term that involves a whole life setting.
Even if I live long, my quality of life will change drastically if I am not able to move as I wish. If I have strong legs at 80, I think I need to train myself from now. That's one of the reasons I started strength training.
I would've never imagined to think this way. That is interesting. I am sure my goal will change. I may add more goals because we keep changing to thrive.