








I am flexible. Not that I was born with that flexibility.

I thought I’d try stretching exercise every night one day when I was in the junior high school and in two weeks, my body was quite supple.

I kept stretching for a while but after giving birth, I was chronically busy so I didn’t really stretch.

I think it was one or two years ago when I resumed stretching. Because I started going to the gym, and I decided to stretch before exercise, now it becomes my habit. 

I think I originally have flexible hip joints. I can split too but I know I won’t be able to do it if I stop stretching regularly so making it habitual helps.

I had an opportunity to do bending and stretching exercise at my child’s school. I think I was most flexible person there. If you don’t do anything, muscles get rigid so to have supple body, habitual stretching is good.