一方、英語では、基本的に最初から下の名前で呼びます。もちろん相手が大統領だとMr. President、教授だとProfessor、王族だとYour Majestyなどなど、距離を保つ言葉はありますが、基本は下の名前で呼びかけますね。
Japanese language has a variety of distance in it depending on relationships.
Usually when we meet someone for the first time, we use their family name with “san (Mr. or Ms.).” When you got along, or are willing to get along with that person, you switch it to “chan ()” or use a nickname if you are young. But when you grow up, you basically only call someone with “family name + san” like with your neighbors.
In the meantime in English, you only use their given name from the beginning. Of course you have different words to use depending on their positions like Mr. President, Professor, or Your Majesty and these are also used to have some clear distance between the speaker and the person. But in general, you use their given name from the beginning.
I find this linguistically cultural difference is interesting. In Japanese, you can also have a distance by using polite language such as “desu” “masu.”
When I was much younger, I started to talk to this person in Japanese. He grew up in the States so once we went to talking about work with details, he wanted to speak English so we switched, then I could feel our personalities also changed.
We became assertive. Because English is the language that needs to have a subject all the time while you can cut it a lot of times in Japanese, and the nature of English if clearer so we became more logical. I sound lower when speaking English. And I know it’s not only me. I find this trend when I hear other people.
Wr had some distance in the beginning when we spoke Japanese but in the end of the business, we shook hands firmly.