オンライン上のインタビューで、Invisible Peopleについて描きたかったということ、お客さんには万引きをしている家族にあまり感情移入させないように音楽を気を遣ったことなどを読んでいました。その通り、淡々とし、万引きをしているいわゆる「犯罪者」に対し感情に訴えかける描き方をしていないと同時に、家族の繋がりは血縁だけなのかという疑問も投げかけていたと思います。
最後は、え、ここで終わるの?というシーンで終わります。周りのお客さんもざわついていました。笑 でもだからこそ、それについて夫と久しぶりに、あそこはどういう意図であのシーンだったのかなどの話をすることができました。
I watched a film director Hirokazu Koreeda's "Shoplifters." I had watched some of his films with impressions and wanted to see it. I had a chance to see it with my husband the otehr day.
I saw some interviews of him online saying he wanted to depict Invisible People and he was careful about not to make audience too emotional with music. As he said, the way he shows the shoplifting family, criminals in another word, was rather calm and at the same time, it was questioning if what makes a family only with blood.
The ending scene was very uncertain throwing us a question how we should take it. I heard other audience puzzled too. But that brought us a discussion why he had that scene in the end.
I used to love to watch movies in theater after work when I didn't have my kids. Now I barely go to a movie theater, but it reminds me of a good time. It's nice to watch films that I want to watch with someone and talk about it afterwards.