We had BBQ today. I cannot thank enough for the organizer to plan such a big event with 27 people!
And I had very a meaty meal today. But you just need to enjoy those events, right? There was a river and we were saying to the kids we play in the river, but due to heavy rain the previous day, we had a warning not to enter the river.
But children can find fun from anything. They threw stones, played water balloons or blew bubbles.
I was picking up the water balloons after they were thrown to burst because they would be just trash in the nature, one of the boys who is the a 6th grader in the same group gave me the torn balloon. If I hadn't picked them up, he would've left that too. But seeing me pick them up, he did the same thing. That made me smile. I've known him since he was in the daycare so I could see he has grown.
On the way back we went to the hot spring. Our weekend is over. I will write about our first camping on a different day.