
模様替え/Changing Interiors



 そこで、普段は避けている白熱灯での電球を注文してみました。届いたら教室用にそれを使い、普段はもともと買った電球でやってみようかな? と思っていますが、そんな面倒な付け替えを毎回するのかがわかりません。笑 どうなることやら。

I wanted to change the light in the room I use when I have THRIVE because it's dark and hard for me to take pictures of my students. We went to a store to get a new one, but it's still dark!

I thought it was fine but it looked brighter than it actually is probably because there were many other lights in the shop. Bummer. I like the light we got including the light bulb so we will keep it, but it would give us a hard time to read our textbook and a photo shoot.   

So I just ordered an incandescent light bulb I usually avoid to use. I will use the bulb when I have a class and change to the other bulb for the rest of the time. I am not sure if I can really change them every time but let's see.