I was watching my child doing homework. She made a mistake when writing a sentence, so I told her to change it to this way then she started to be angry.
Looking at her, she is a perfectionist and when she makes even little mistakes, she starts being irritated because she doesn't want to erase what she wrote. She notices that well and told me with emotional but low voice; do not talk to me right now. Do not make me frustrated. Off she goes to the other room.
I said to her that she should go on to the next questions and I will tell her a right sentence, but it didn't help.
Since she is still small, my logic doesn't work. I want to dare to say she should've done it on the weekend when she had a lot more time, and that's why she is stressed out now, but I won't say that now. But I am fed up with this because this happens pretty much every time.
When I deal with adults, I can talk to them logically about why it happened and what we can do in order not to let it happen again. How I can change her mood and emotion is still something I need to figure out. I left her for five minutes and she came back to the room to do her homework, but she is quite whiny still...