釣り船が出発するのは午後8時。そこから、少し沖合まで行き、船頭さんが「見えますよ」と声をかけてくれた場所から海を覗き込むと、いました! 本当に蛍みたいに光る海中の生き物。
I went to see sea fireflies for the first time in my life. I knew about them but didn't know what exactly they were. Aka Vargula Hilgendorfii. The bugs glow under the water.
It was 8pm when the fishing ship departed from the port. We went further to the off-shore and when the captain told us to look, they were there under the sea glowing just like fireflies!
They glow actively when they get stimulation, so we needed to keep on moving and looking down the sea to see them. I had a bit of motion sickness afterward. Lol.
Another "first time in life" experience. Happy!