




 わたし自身もそうやって痩せましたが、どなたも大丈夫! そう確信しました。今年の目標の見直しと、来年に向けてどのような目標を設定するか、考えます。

There are things we talk about 2019 including activities my kids take and work.

It's almost October, meaning there are only three more months to go. It's unbelievable although I feel the same every year. 

It's a good timing to look back what goals you set and you have achieved as well as what you would like to do next year. I finally started diet classes so one of my dreams came true. I have only a few students in every term but they lose in average 5kg (11lbs) in two months or 10kg (22lbs) in four months. I am happy the results are looking good.

That's how I lost my weight too and this method can apply to anyone! I am convinced. I will review my goals this year as well as what to achieved for next year.