I am silently angry now. I am sorry I have to write this on my blog. I am so shocked to learn about the female council member, Ms. Yuka Ogata kicked out from an assembly when she had a cough drop during her question.
She was warned before for bringing her 7-month old child to an assembly. She dared to demonstrate to reflect voices of families with small children after she repeatedly claim she would need a place she can drop off her child during an assembly session since she is a mother with an infant and council member.
This time, she was sucking a cough drop when she was asking a question for citizens and they ended up closing the session for eight hours. To be honest, Kumamoto council members have no idea about efficiency or their spending taxpayer's money as working at city council. It's just a cough drop. I have bronchial asthma. It was when I wasn't diagnosed yet but I kept coughing and it was so painful. I had exams and brought cough drops to my classes at University in the States. I didn't have to ask for permission to my professor nor they warned me. There was another time I need to interpret and my asthma was bad. I had cough drops and water all the time. Logically, don't you think it's more efficient to carry out your work rather than coughing so hard that you cannot even talk?
I am desperate how crazy those guys in the Kumamoto Council, but it drives me crazy that there are so many people saying online that how dare she had a cough drop because you never have a presentation to your client when you have a cough drop in your mouth. Your brain stops completely when common sense (to you) or rules are there. This is what the Japanese education system brings. The council members were waiting for the moment to bully Ms. Ogata.
I wouldn't mind at all if someone in a meeting started to suck cough drops. What's important is what you discussed.