
今期終了/End Of This Term




 もうお一人は、2ヶ月でなんと9.8kg減りました! 今までたくさんの量を食べていた、とおっしゃるこの方には、ダイエット中、まず何を選ぶべきかをじっくり考えていただくところから始めました。

 本当に皆さんよくがんばりました! お疲れさまでした。

Today is the last day for this term's diet classroom THRIVE started from August.

I am printing out pictures of those started two months ago to compare how much difference they've made in figures and by appearance. It's obvious and I am so proud they tried hard.

One student continued two terms, losing totally 11.95kg (26lbs). She was doubtful if she would lose weight but once started, she was quite strict on herself being a diet.

Another student lost 9.8kg (21.6lbs) in two months! She says she used to eat a lot so I started off telling her what kind of food she should eat when she's on a diet.

Everyone worked so hard! I am very proud of you all.