
食生活/Daily Diet

 20歳の女性と話をする機会がありました。専門学校に通っているその方は、実家に住んでいるのですが親はご飯の面倒は自分で見てねというスタンスだということで、自炊しているんですか? と訊くと、他の家事はやるけれど料理はどうしても興味が持てないのでほぼ外食です、という答えでした。



 ひとまず、お金もかかりませんか? と訊いてみたら、バイト代は食費でほとんど消えると言ったので、おにぎりを自宅で作って冷凍し、持って行く日の朝に解凍できること、スープジャーが売ってるのでそれにお味噌汁やスープを入れていけば安上がりだし保存料もないし、冬は体も温まるしいいと思いますよ、という切り口で勧めてみたら、ご飯は冷凍できるんですか!? スープジャーって知りませんでした! という反応だったので、試してもらえたらいいですね。


I had a chance to talk to a 20-year old female. She goes to a vocational school and lives with her family, but her parents tell her to cook for herself. So I asked her if she cooks. She said she doesn't mind doing other house chores but is not interested to cook so eats out mostly. 

She buys yogurt for breakfast and onigiri (rice balls) for lunch at a convenience store. On the way home, she is usually hungry and eats out somewhere. That is not so healthy.

She is young and she is not chubby and doesn't have any problems, but I think this kind of dieting is quite unhealthy. At the same time, being ignorant about nutritions is scary. 

So I asked her if it costs a lot and she said she spends most of the money she earns on food. So suggested her to make onigiri herself at home, freeze them, unfreeze the morning she brings, and she can also buy a Thermos soup jar which she can put miso soup or any kind of soup which is still warm when she has lunch. That way, it doesn't cost as much and there is no food preservative. She didn't know cooked rice could be frozen nor about soup jars so I hope she will try. 

That makes me wonder how young people learn about basic food diet or impact of food preservatives.