果たしてそうなんでしょうか? 食べるものを我慢するというのがつらいというイメージで、ずっとつらい思いをしたくないということなのでしょうが、先日目標体重を達成した生徒さんの言葉では「知らない間にこれだけ体重が落ちていて、不思議な気持ちです」
あとは筋肉率がきちんと上がったこと。脂肪を減らし筋肉を維持する、そういうダイエットができて本当によかった。痩せたい人は、騙されたと思ってやってみて欲しい! と思います。それだけの価値はわたしには十分ありました。
"I want to lose weight, but cannot bear not to eat what I want to eat." I hear this all the time.
Is it really true? I think you say that because not eating what you want to eat means you have to have a hard time, but the remark one of my students, who recently reached her goal goes this:
"I lost my weight this much without really knowing. I feel strange."
I was feeling the same way. Of course there are certain rules you want to follow, but I didn't feel miserable, at least that much. I still could eat some good things within the range of what we could eat, and my weight was going down regularly while I couldn't do anything on my own.
My muscle rate went up too. You lose fat and keep your muscles. I am truly happy that's the way I lost weight. I really would like you to try it! It was worth doing it for me.