吉川晃司さん、鍛えてますよね。一見しただけで、この人、かなり鍛えている! というのがわかります。
インタビューを読んでいたら、鍛えるのはジムに行かず公園でとありました。本当でしょうか!? すごい。なんだって、やり方次第で鍛えられるということですね。あ、これは例えば英語の学習やダイエットに関しても言えることですけど。
Japanese singer/ actor Koji Kikkawa is very fit. At a glance, you can tell he must work out quite hard.
It's a guy, so he doesn't have the shape of body I want to have, but how he lives is quite respected. I tend to respect anyone who regularly works out.
Reading his interviews, he says he works out at the park not the gym. Is it really? That's amazing. You can train yourself in any method. This actually applies to language learning or diet.
A method doesn't matter too much. A more important thing is how serious you address. The result differs from that.