わたしはどういう方たちのお手伝いをしたいのか? なぜ、ダイエット講師をやっているのか? 明日からは、少しそのあたりを書きたいと思います。
I was listening to a talk by judicial scrivener the other day when I joined an event. He said he tries to tell people why he does his job and who he wants to help because it's important.
He said his clients are entrepreneurs thinking to start up a company and is a young man. I found it interesting because he should probably talk radical yet he sees showing what he feels towards work important.
He said there are many people around him who have passion with work and talk about it passionately, and their energy actually gets people involved and seeing it made him realize the importance of it.
I think that's something I don't have much.
I've been kind of embarrassed to show my true feelings when it comes to myself. But I've known I need to convey my true feelings why I want to carry THRIVE. Knowing is different from acting, though. So as listening to him, my challenge started to become a bit more concrete.
Who do I want to help? Why do I work as a diet coach? I will write those things.