今期もあと1回で終わりです。2期連続の生徒さん、目標としていた10kgも難なく痩せ、あと1週間でどれだけいくかな? もともとは、痩せていた方なのですが、ここ数年で10kg以上太ってしまったんだとか。年齢が上がるにつれ、特に行動に変化がなくても太ることがあるんですよね。それは、やはり若い時に比べて代謝が落ちるからだと思います。
There is one more class left for this term. The student from last term has lost more than 10kg (22lbs) easily, which is the goal she set previously. We have one more week. How much will she lose? She was a skinny person several years ago but said she had gained more than 10kg in the past few years. As you age, you can gain weight although you are continuing the same habits as you used to have because your metabolism goes down comparing to when you were younger.
I had her think about her eating habits too. She realized she was eating more than she thought. So we reviewed it to lose weight, which is working out for her.
Everyone else is working hard too. I hope everyone feels doing their best. I will take pictures of them in the last class this week!