
寒さ対策/How To Stay Warm




 けれど、体温はまだ上がりませんね。免疫力を上げるには体温を上げることが大事というので、そこはわたしの大きな課題。いつか平熱を36度台にしたいなあと思っています。筋肉量を高めるのが体温を上げる一番の近道のようですね。筋肉量、これもわたしのいまの課題です。増やしたいですね! タンパク質を意識しての生活に集中しています。

I am sensitive to cold. I would be told I had cold internal organs and womb when I visited an acupuncturist or enzyme bath.

It's been cold in the morning and at night and I get cold quite easily when I drink water in the morning. So I've made hot water or herbal tea.

I use a knitted belly warmer throughout a year. When colder, I use a wrapped skirt on pants and tights underneath my pants. I like spicy so I have ginger and chilli pepper quite often. 

But my body temperature isn't rising. Rising a body temperature makes your immunity stronger so it's an important challenge for me. I want to make my regular body temperature to over 36.0 Celsius (96.8 Fahrenheit) someday. The shortcut seems to be boosting up the amount of muscles. That is another challenge for me. I want to have more muscles! Am concentrating to have more protein in meals.