I had one of my students taking one term of my classes resulting losing 5 kg (11pounds) say she had gained again. She wouldn't say how many pounds, but I thought she would need to make a way of thinking mentally stronger. I also had someone in class asking "do you not gain weight again after this diet?" So let me tell you what I think about it.
To gain weight again or not depends most on whether you make your brain "slim brain" mentally. In class, we learn about nutritions. This is general information about basic imortance of nutrition for body. In addition, we talk about what is the efficient way of diet when you try to lose weight and body fat. Besides that, I try to enforce students' mentally strength through conversation to control themselves. That self-control may be most difficult. In my case, it's most important. I still have a part of thought tending to think the way I don't want to have and when I have it. it's difficult to control myself.
It depends on the person how much control one can have, but having observed my students, one term of classes may not suffice. To get rid of one's unfavorable tendency of way of thinking and train one's self-control, I would welcome any of my former students coming back.