そして翌朝、肩、首、頭周りがすごくすっきりしていました。これはあなどれない器具ですね! 貸していただいたものだったのですが、真剣に購入を検討しています。
Technically speaking, this is not about strength training, but still about exercise so I put this under the Strength Training category.
I tried the equipment called Wave Stretch Ring. When I put my body on it, though it might hurt. But when my body was being pressed slowly and gently with my own weight, it felt so good, especially putting my head felt blessed. I almost fell asleep.
Next morning my shoulders, neck and head felt very fresh. This is quite something! I borrowed it from someone, so now I am seriously thinking to buy one.
I heard there are some workout classes at gyms. They seem popular. It's a nice thing to know there are such things.