東京国立博物館に、展示を見に行ってきました。たまたまチケットをいただいた、仏像の展示「京都大報恩寺 快慶・定慶のみほとけ」というものです。昔のラジオ仲間と行ったので、いろいろ近況を伝えあったりもできました。
I went to the Tokyo National Museum to see their current exhibit on Buddha statues from Daiho'on-ji, Kyoto called "Kyoto Daiho'on-ji Kaikei and Jokei's Buddha". I also got to catch up with my friend I used to work with for a radio show since we went together.
I hand't really looked at Buddha statues outside temples. They were actually quite moving. Some beautiful faces and aggressive faces. They were all different. My favorite was Jokei's Nyoi Kannon Bosatsu Zazo. It was made in 1224. The Bodhisattva goddess had slanted eyes with shines to me, and that's what I was drawn about.
Another favorite was Senju Kannon Zo. I am sure the lighting was well designed too, but the statue was holy. From a long time ago, people sought help from religions to endure grief and distress. Those statue artists played a big role. I found a comfort in them too after hundreds of years.