バースデーパーティーとはいえ、プロのエンターテイナーが集結すればこんなステージが出来上がるのか! ということの連続でした。濃かったです。本当に、JKさん、60歳おめでとうございます。そしてこれからも、今までの30年同様、ぜひ、東京の朝を盛り上げてくれることを期待しています。
I had someone's birthday party today to celebrate his 60th. I worked with him for over 10 years. I do not work with him unfortunately, but he is still a center of our community that we sometimes hang out with. It was a huge party.
There were so many participants tonight so I couldn't even say hello to him during the party. But I spotted the people I worked with so I chatted around with them, which I had such a good time.
Although it's a birthday party, they made the stage so sophisticated because they are professional entertainers. The time was tense. Mr. JK, happy birthday to you on your 60th. I expect you to boost up Tokyo morning as you have always for the past 30 years!