

 明日からもう12月! このあいだ、2018年が始まったと思っていたのに。年を重ねるごとに、どんどん一年が過ぎるのが速く感じます。


 ですが、そういう時でも散歩に行く、冬休みなら子どもと一緒に温水プールに行く、外食はお水、炭酸水、お茶などをたくさん飲んで、食べ過ぎを防ぐなど、やりようはあります。そして、この時期、体重増加はおろか、減少になったら自分に自信がつきますよ! わたしも今年はどうやって過ごそうかな。久しぶりにプールに行くのもいいかも!

It's already December from tomorrow! I thought 2018 just started recently. As you age, a year feels passing by so fast.

There is Christmas, year-end parties in December and a new year comes up too. You have opportunities to eat out or lie down or eat things at midnight. It's a hard time to get by for dieters.

But there are ways. You can go for a walk. If your child is on a winter break, you can go to a swimming pool with your her/ him. When you eat out, you can drink a lot of water, sparkling water or tea not to eat too much. If you keep your weight the same, or even lose weight, that brings you confidence! How should I spend the time for the season? Maybe going to a swimming pool for the first time in a long time!