わたしがダイエットを通じて一番学んだのは、自分のことを大切にすることを意識化することかもしれません。どうしても家族のため、仕事のため、自分のことは後回し、疎かにしてしまいがちですが、まずは自分を一番に考えるべき、という考えに変わりました。 そうすると、ダイエットにももっと意味が出てきます。自分の望みは「痩せること」。だったら、痩せようとしている最中に食べ過ぎたりすると、「自分がやりたいことを自分が阻んでしまっている」現状に気がつきます。本当の意味で自分を大切にするためには、一瞬の快楽、欲望を優先せず、本当の自分の気持ちに耳をすますことが大事になってきます。
What I learned most through diet may be the importance and realization of taking care of myself. People tend to sacrifice themselves for their family or work, and not to think so much about themselves. But now I think I should think about myself before anyone else.
Some may think thinking about yourself is selfish, and so did I. But aren't you frustrated if you don't take care of yourself because eventually you start thinking how come no one understands your effort taking care of them so hard.
I started to think I should consider what's important for me and if there is something important, I do it. If I still have room to do for others, I spend my time for them.
It brings more meaning to your diet. If you want to "lose weight," then you realize you are actually deter yourself making your wish from happening when you overeat. To care for yourself, you shouldn't prioritize a momentary desire but listen to your heart to know what you really want to do.
Of course, there are cases you choose somebody over you. For example, I would choose my children over myself if our lives are at risk. They are more precious than my life. But it doesn't mean I should take care of them 24/7 even when I want to take care of myself. I would be so frustrated being harsh on them.
If I stay comfortable, I can be nice to my family. So I take care of myself when I need.
Those who cannot say no to others tend to be frustrated. Let's spend your time for others after you take care of yourself. I think it's more sustainable.