
世界レベルのアスリート/World-class Athlete



 さて、女性が体脂肪6%だと聞くとどれだけ骨ばっているのかと思いますが、見た目は全然違いますね。引き締まっていて健康的。その下にはしなやかな筋肉がついているのだと想像します。すてき! 彼女のことを今回初めて知りましたが、これから注目したいと思います。

Rika Kihira, a Japanese figure ice-skater, performed so great. I have raised respect so much more than a year ago and am just amazed her body fat rate; 6%!

She competes in the world and I don't obviously have to be like her, but I haven't still reached my goal that I set my body fat rate to be, still above 2 to 3 % of it, even though I run THRIVE, my diet program. So I am embarrassed. Yes, I haven't reached my own goal yet. So I won't be too hard on my students. But I also tried so hard to lose so much weight two years ago so I know they can do it. I encourage, suggest, and walk with them.

When you hear a woman's body fat rate is only 6%, you naturally wonder how skinny she is, but she does not look too skinny at all. She is lean and healthy. I imagine she must have stretched muscle underneath. Wonderful! I didn't know about her and will certainly keep my eye on her.