I'd like to introduce the story on NYT. It was more than two years ago when published. I worked on thi piece. I started fixing it just three years ago.
It started when the writer of this story Jen contacted me saying she wanted to talk to one of the contributors, Takamatsu-san, who lost his wife on 311. She didn't have his contact information so wanted me to research to find it out and if he could talk to her, she would want me to come along for interpretation.
When you need to find individuals, it's more difficult than corporate. But he was picked up by several media outlets so it wasn't difficult for me to find stories of him. It wasn't easy to find his contact, but ultimately, I was able to find someone who knew him and Takamatsu-san said he could talk to us.
His wife, Yuko-san, worked at Shichijushichi Bank in Onagawa. Right after 311, the Branch Manager instructed them to evacuate to the roof of the building. There was a hill right behind the building where there was a hospital. The hospital was designated as an evacuation place for the town, but the Manager told the employees to go to the rooftop. We don't know if he was concerned with the cash in the building or thought tsunami wouldn't be so big, but 13 bankers working that day stayed in the building for 30 minutes then went up to the rooftop for evacuation.
I went to the site. The hill was really close to the bank building. I think by the time they evacuated to the rooftop, there was some water flooded on the streets. After going up to the rooftop, the water kept coming up. The only survivor, who miraculously made it alive had a talk with his colleague if they should evacuate the hill but given the conservative culture of the bank, they wouldn't question their bosses so they never suggest it to the Manager. How scary it must have been when they stranded on the top of the building on such a cold day watching the water piling up to almost cover them.
When I was talking to Takamatsu-san and the others, I thought it'd be extremely crucial to educate children that life matters most. Even if you were to be fired, oppose if your life is at risk. That's what I have to teach my children. Basically Japanese education is passive and they are taught to be obedient with their teachers and bosses and generally they give you good treatment if you are.
However, you are the only person who is fully responsible for your life when it is at stake. No one will take a responsibility of your life if you depend on others. This is what I truly want to teach children. Any of them.