この子、確かにかわいいんです。娘が「これが欲しい」と言った時、周りのぬいぐるみと比べてだんとつかわいいなと思いました。ただし、わたし、値段を一桁読み間違えておりまして、レジで絶句……。わたしとしては、中古のぬいぐるみにそこまで出すか? なお値段で、一度レジを止めてもらい、家族会議を開くことに。
We moved from Kobe to Kyoto today. On the way, we dropped by Tanba-Sasayama. I heard it's a very historical town and we wanted to visit.
It's a tiny town and they preserve the street with old houses. It was fun to walk.
We went to the shop called Hakutoya. They have so many things from little supplies to dishes to clothes. Very nice shop.
There, my younger child encountered a stuffed deer German stuffed toy maker Steiff produced. It was vintage and probably a few decades old if not 100 years.
This deer was really pretty. I as well thought it was definitely most beautiful when my daughter said she wanted it. But I misread the figure and was speechless when the cashier told me the price. That was something I would not pay for a second-hand stuffed animal. I asked to suspend the payment and had to have a family meeting right by the cashier.
My daughter was willing to pay half from her otoshidama, the New Year money from her relatives so after 10 minutes of consideration by the cashier, we decided to welcome the deer to our family.
I want her to treasure it as she is an old granny.