後日、どんな週末を過ごしたか訊いてみると、温泉に行き、料理を作り(作ることがストレス発散だとか)、あとはゆっくり過ごしたそうです。いいですね! 家族のためにがんばりたい気持ちもわかりますが、自分を大切にするのはわたしたちの大切な仕事です。これができていないと、変なところでストレスが溜まり、逆に家族に八つ当たり、なんてこともありえます。ということで、わたしも今週末は完全に自分のための時間を予定しています。それまで、がんばります。
I talked to one of my students, who really works hard for her family. She works nearly full-time and cooks several dishes always for her family and is in charge of PTA activities. In short, she is really busy. Her house is always very clean and I really admire her, but when I talk to her, she may fight or scold her daughter because she works too hard.
I suggested her to have a chilling weekend when her busiest time is over just to cherish herself. I suggest her to do what she wants to do rather than what her family wants to do because it would be the first time in a long long time for her to spend a day like that.
Later I asked her how she spent a weekend. She said she went to a hot spring and cooked (because it her stress relief too), and just chilled out. That is great! I understand you want to work hard for your family, but it is also an important task for us to treasure ourselves. If you don't take care of yourself, you may be frustrated and that may cause anger to your family. I also plan for this weekend for myself. I will be working hard till then.