東京を離れてしばらく経つ共通の知り合いの方が、東京に仕事で来ることになりました。まず、東京に来ることを決めた方が数人の知り合いに同時にお知らせしたようで、ぼちぼちと「来るんだってね? 会おうね」という話が周辺で出るようになりました。そのうち、誰かがきっちりと取りまとめるかな? なんて、わたしは思っていました。
There was something to make me think.
Someone we know in common who left Tokyo for a while is to come to Tokyo for work. When learning to come to Tokyo, she contacted a few people. We started to talk about her visit and said "let's hang out with her." I was thinking someone would organize it.
One of us was upset because the person she contacted first is not organizing a get-together. Because she is the first person to know about her visit to Tokyo, she should do it but isn't. I said to her if she cared about it, she could organize. She said she couldn't because that would be stepping out of her position because she wasn't the first person learning she was coming.
Really. I don't care who organizes it but for her, that is important. And she is even upset about the person not orgnizing a gathering.
I think she has things that have to be "this way" and she isn't peaceful if things are out of that setting. But you cannot control others' thoughts and acts. I think to make what you want realize is more constructive (this case, she wanted more people to know that our friend was coming to Tokyo). Being upset with someone is not healthy so that makes me think how I can think constructively and positively.