わたしがリサーチしたことを、本当に? 今までメディアでこういうことを見たり聞いたりしたけれど、リサーチ不足じゃないの? というような場合、信用されていないなと感じてしまい、そこがストレスになる、ということです。
わたしが相手にしているのは海外のメディアで、彼らは英語の情報のみで判断します。今回は、その情報が10年、20年前の古い情報が多いことから、現状と乖離している場合があり、そこを説得するのに骨を折っています。はっきりいって、ストレスです! でも、こういう時、こう考えるようにしています。全てが気持ちの良いお付き合いができる相手ならば、それは幸せだけれどもそういう環境が当たり前だと思うようになってしまう。だから、気持ちの良いやり取りができる相手がいる幸せを噛みしめるためにも、それからわたし自身がそこから何をどう学ぶかという機会を与えてもらっているかを考えるためにも、しんどい状況があるのだ、と。
I've been pretty busy with work and not been able to post stories on my blog. I will write when I can.
As a few production projects proceed, my stress goes up. Especially when I feel someone doesn't really trust me, I'm frustrated.
That means that when someone is skeptical about what I researched because he/ she has read or seen in media about the subject.
Who I deal with are foreign media. They get information in English and based on that, they ask me to research to see if the pitch is good enough to film. But sometimes, especially this time, the information is 10 or 20 years old and it's no longer true in Japan's reality. It's really hard to convince people who want to believe what they have seen in other outlets. I'm stressed out. But I try to think this way; if everyone is so nice then I take it granted to have such a nice environment. So to really understand it's lucky to have people in good understanding in me ad what and how I can learn from burdens, it's a good opportunity to have stressful environment sometimes.
One way not to bring my stress home is to work outside. So I've worked at a cafe, library, and co-working space. Once I'm home, I do not think about work. In that way, I can balance my feeling. So I will work at a cafe today too.