
春満開/Spring Has Arrived



 思うのですが、このように、景色を大事にする国を作っていけば、観光は呼び込めないでしょうか? 古い建物を壊す傾向がある国ですが、昔のものも大事に保存することは、国内外の観光客を呼ぶことにならないのかな、と、改めて感じました。

I went to a park a bit far from where we live because my child was supposed to have a playdate with her friend. There were so many cherry flowers blooming and it felt very springy.

The park was packed and we couldn't find any seats at a few cafes. So many tourists too. If they come to Japan this season, I totally agree I would want to see cherry blossoms.

I just wonder if we could have tourists with scenery. We tend to demolish old buildings in this country but if we preserve old, traditional things, wouldn't we attract tourist both domestically and internationally? That's what I thought as seeing the cherry blossoms and tourists.